
Choosing a good chair mould(I)

Chair mould is our daily plastic injection mould in home appliance plastic injection area. And plastic chair mould become more and more popular nowadays. Plastic chair mould have a big market in the future.

Choosing a good chair mould is very significant problem for a client. In my opinion, there is several points should be attention when we choose a chair mould manufacturer
we should select a big and famous company to ensure its quality control system. Almost all of the mould company can make plastic injection chair mould, but there is seldom of mould companies can make a good chair mould. I think you should check bellow points:
chair mould running system
If the cooling water temperature is from 8 to 12 centigrade degree, chair weight id 1700g to 2400g, the cycle time would be 35-50 second. And if the machine plastic melt and injection is with accumulators, the design of cooling channel.

1.chair mould run shorts guarantee
Many people will say that they will have one million guaranteed. But God know how many shorts they could guarantee. The guarantee for a mouth run 1 million shorts without any flashes. If you accept to cut the flash by hand, there will be a heavy labor for this. We suggest to use a mould with 10 millions shots. But the important factor you should check is steel hardness. Normally the steel hardness should be HRC33.
2.chair parting line
Sharp edge on the chair is dangerous, in order to avoid the sharp edge, we have to do many points during chair mould manufacturing.
3.chair wall thickness
Normally, we need 3 stages finishing. From rough milling steel hardened, after hardening, take
2nd stage milling, we call it half precise milling, normally we leave 0.3mm, then make the stress
releasing, after this we do final precise milling. When in this time, the machine operation is very important.


